Message From Your Cooperative – June 2022

K. David Hagen headshot Kenneth Weiss headshotOn June 24, we will hold our 84th annual meeting at the Clearwater River Casino Event Center. This meeting was originally scheduled for October of 2021 but was postponed due to pandemic restrictions. We will conduct co-op business, hold director elections, and this year we will also be voting on the enclosed bylaw amendments. There are two main reasons for these amendments. First and foremost is to provide more flexibility in how we hold our meetings. These past two years have proven that we need to be able to respond to unforeseen challenges. Secondly, we have implemented some best practices as recommended in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) Cooperative Governance Task Force Report related to bylaws. While the Report had numerous suggested changes, many of them did not apply to Clearwater Power Company. Therefore, your member-elected Board of Directors only recommended those changes that they felt were applicable to Clearwater Power Company. The complete bylaws with the proposed changes are included in this month’s Ruralite Magazine.

Highlights of the proposed changes include: the ability of holding meetings electronically including electronic voting and updating the nominating process for board elections to meet current standards.

As always, our goal is to remain equitable, transparent, and open about any proposed changes to the governance of your cooperative. It has been a challenging two years and as we set our eyes to a hopeful horizon, we sincerely thank you for your patience and for your willingness to participate in the democratic process. We are proud to serve you and we hope to see you at the 84th annual meeting.

Kenneth Weiss

K. David Hagen
General Manager/CEO