Statement on Lower Snake River Dams

As a not-for-profit, member-owned, rural electric cooperative, Clearwater Power Company provides its members with safe, reliable and cost-based energy.

We need the hydropower generated from the Lower Snake River Dams to serve our members in 11 counties throughout Idaho, Washington and Oregon. More than 85 percent of the power we provide is carbon-free, hydropower.

The Lower Snake River Dams provide hydropower for our cooperative and many others, but the White House is considering approving the Draft Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative Agreement which could lead to the breaching of the dams. If this happens, access to affordable and reliable electricity will be jeopardized.

Again, 85 percent of the power Clearwater Power delivers to our members is hydropower. If the Draft Agreement is finalized, access to some of this hydropower will disappear and energy costs will rise.

We cannot let this happen.

We need your help right now.

Sign the Petition

Tell President Biden you oppose this backroom deal that jeopardizes reliable electricity for our cooperative members and millions of Americans!